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1986 Toyota Celica GTS Convertible Base

1986 Toyota Celica GTS Convertible
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November 27, 2008, 11:52 am

Paul L

Question: 1985 Toyota Celica GTS Convertable

When I step on the brake pedal with the lights off, both of my rear tail lights (brake lights) work. When the lights are on and I step on the brake, the rights side tail light goes off completly but the brake light works on the right side. I can't pass inspection with this problem.

November 28, 2008, 6:05 pm

Stan H

Papa1, check all the bulbs because they are identified as dual filament bulbs meaning they serve as a tail and a brake light. Sounds like one of the bulbs are burnt. While you have the lenses off check all the ground screws for tightness and all the bulb sockets. When checking the bulb sockets, dual filament bulbs will have two round contacts located in the socket and single bulbs will have one contact. If any of the contacts have gotten hot enough the contacts will sink into the mounting base causing loss of connection.

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December 11, 2008, 2:43 am

Paul L

Thanks StanH. Sorry it took so long to get back. I will certainly look at all of your suggestions. Thias is driving me nuts and I am late getting my yearly inspection. Thanks papa1

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