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1997 Honda Accord Sedan DX 4dr Sedan Manual

1997 Honda Accord Sedan
Trim Info:
Front Wheel Drive, 4 Door Sedan, Compact
25 mpg city / 32 mpg hwy
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December 4, 2010, 8:43 am

Robert S

Question: More outside noise from driver side door?

About a year ago I started noticing that from my drivers side door ( specifically between the front and rear drivers side doors) I started to notice a LOT more road and outside noise. I took it in to honda and they stated everything was "according to spec" but I still hear a lot of noise.

Has anyone had or noticed this and any ideas what I could do? Could the seams/seals be worn down? Can they be replaced?


February 16, 2011, 9:36 am

Rick C

I heard it was from the front window seal. Tape some blue paint tape over the front window seal and see if it goes away.

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February 21, 2011, 1:48 pm

Marilyn R

Road noise has been a problem with my Honda since day 1. Some times it's very hard to hear the person sitting next to me when they're talking. I think it's something Honda would have to deal with in the manufacturing of the vehicle.

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June 24, 2011, 3:27 pm

Veronica M

Road noise has been a serious problem with my Honda for as long as I can remember. When I'm on the Interstate it is the worse. I rarely drive it on a road trip because hearing is unbearable. It's hard to hear the radio or anyone in the car. It's very frustrating. I hope the manufacturer will issue a recall to remedy this problem.

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