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1997 Eagle Vision ESi 4dr Sedan

1997 Eagle Vision
Trim Info:
Front Wheel Drive, 4 Door Sedan ESi, Large Car
17 mpg city / 26 mpg hwy
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Alternatively, you may want to have a mechanic check both the fluid and filter. Why is the fluid level wrong? If it's too high, someone added too much the last time the transmission was serviced. If it's too low, there's either a leak somewhere or the fluid is escaping through a faulty vacuum modulator (if so equipped). Have a mechanic inspect the transmission for leaks and check the vacuum modulator (again, if this vehicle has one)



Since this vehicle isn't drivable, you'll need to have it towed to a garage. Ask the mechanic to check both the fluid pump and gear selector linkage. If he can't find the culprit, don't be surprised if he tells you the vehicle needs a new transmission. This isn't unreasonable since, after all, none of the gears work

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